Sunrise Nursery
Farms, Farmers, and the Field is a photography project I created to centralize the people themselves who bring food, flowers, and other goods from the field to the markets and into our homes. I have been shooting photographs for several months now for this series and have a strong selection of 15 images to convey an entire body of work. They will be exhibited digitally on a website, where I will have portraits and field photos featured. Along with this I have interviews that I have conducted from the individuals I have taken photographs of, that are more of conversations than hardship questions. I asked these farmers questions to allow me and my audience to feel more connected to the portraits. Some of these questions included, what they do for fun outside of work, what their favorite foods to eat are, and if they have a favorite genre/artist of music to listen to. I felt that having these images along with a short biography allows a more personable relationship to the farm and the farmers on the field.

Crops from the Sunrise Nursery Farm. Digital Photograph.

Field in Watsonville. Digital Photograph

Sunflowers growing on the Sunrise Nursery

Sunrise Nursery Farm. Digital Photograph

Sunrise Nursery Farm Flowers. Digital Photograph

Behind Sunrise Nursery looking over the Mountains of Watsonville. Digital Photograph.

Bee Pollintating the flowers on sunrise Nursery farm. Digital Photography.

Vibrant Farm of Watsonville. Digital Photograph

Gizdich Farm Rasberries. Digital Photograph.
Jesus Ramirez
Jesus is 27 years old and he has been working for Sunrise Nursery for 2 years. His job is to do the construction on the farm/marijuana greenhouses. His favorite season on the farm and in general is winter, because it's nice to wear layers and the heat is too much. Jesus lives in Watsonville with his uncles, so commuting is not an issue. His favorite foods to eat are chicken salads, roasted pork rind, and carne asada. Lastly, Jesus enjoys listening to mariachi music and playing soccer when he isn't at work and has downtime.

Felipe is 32 years old. He has been working since he was 10 years old and so that is now 22 years of working so far. He lives in Watsonville with his brothers so no need for commuting. In his free time, he likes to play basketball and listen to music from Mexico (no preference for artists or style). Felipe's favorite types of food are pizza and carne asada. Lastly, on the field, he prefers the summer season and working with the flowers.

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He is 24 Years old and has been working here for 3 years now. He commutes from Salinas and lives with roommates. He plays sports outside of work, however his favorite sport to watch is soccer (Barcelona team). He loves any food that includes raw fish, specifically sushi and Ceviche. His favorite time of year is summer on the farm and in general. Listening to rock music, is another thing he also enjoys to do outside of work and in his free time.

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He is 25 years old and is actually the neighbor of the Sunrise Nursery Farm! He lives with his family including his parents and his brother. He just started working here a few months ago so fairly new. For fun he loves to play music, listen to music, play guitar and has a studio that he plays in. He also care a lot about staying in shape and working out. Other hobbies include cooking and reading. His favorite foods to eat arre hearty foods such as pizza pasta and carbs. His favorite time of the year is winter because he likes layers and to wear sweaters. Lastly he says he is not into sports but very into creativity and music.

Daniel is 29 years old and has been working for awhile now. He lives in Watsonville with his cousins. His favorite food is carne asada and second favorite is a good sandwich. Daniels favorite season is summer and favorite thing to do on the field is work with the flowers. He likes to play football and watch basketball teams from Mexico. Lastly he enjoys listening to music a little of everything, music from Mexico.